Biomarker Discovery

Expedite Biomarker Discovery with Human-Centric AI

Biomarkers are pivotal throughout drug development, from discovery to market, playing key roles in unravelling drug mechanisms, providing prognostic insights and assessing treatment efficacy. Despite the clinical promise, biomarker development is challenging. There are substantial obstacles, from disease heterogeneity and rigorous validation requirements to the inability to extract meaningful biomarker insights from extensive biological data.

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Written by
Anna Tzani
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  • Biomarkers
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The Impact of Biomarkers in Drug Discovery

Challenges with Biomarker Discovery

Expedite Biomarker Discovery with Human-Centric AI image 0
Figure 1: Challenges with biomarker discovery using traditional keyword searching.

Accelerating Discovery with Human-Centric AI

Disease Progression, Prediction and Survival

Expedite Biomarker Discovery with Human-Centric AI image 0
Figure 2: Biomarker insights extracted from Causaly Cloud.



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