Prostate Cancer Cells

Target Identification in Prostate Cancer

Limited therapeutic efficacy and drug resistance in advanced-stage prostate cancer contributes to poor outcomes, highlighting the need for targeted therapies with alternative mechanisms of action. Here, we leveraged human-centric AI to accelerate target identification for prostrate adenocarcinoma.

Written by
Anna Tzani
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Poor Target-Disease Insights: 40% of Failures

Target Identification and Prioritization

Target Identification in Prostate Cancer image 0
Figure 1: Dendrogram view of for prostate adenocarcinoma identified by Causaly.
Target Identification in Prostate Cancer image 0
Figure 2: Examples of targets for prostate adenocarcinoma by relationship type: FAP,³ Rb1,⁴ HELLS⁵ and SOCS3.⁶



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